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«School of Exporter» started in Mogilev

«School of Exporter» started in Mogilev

The third stream of the educational business course "School of Exporter" began its work on April 5, 2022. The course is supported by the Export Center of the Mogilev region and JSC «Mogilev regional development agency».

The course program is aimed both at companies, enterprises and organizations that are just starting their work in foreign markets, and at those who already have such work experience.

The project partners are Eximgarant of Belarus Mogilev Branch, Development Bank, National Centre for Marketing and Price Study, Mogilev Association of Industrialists and Entrepreneurs, etc.

Pavel Marinenko, Deputy Chairman of the Economics Committee of the Mogilev Regional Executive Committee, opened the project with a welcoming speech.

In the thematic module "Introduction to export: The Product Life Cycle", Alexander Ilyinykh, Deputy Head of Voluntary Insurance Department of Eximgarant of Belarus Mogilev Branch, presented information on the export support system and export risk insurance established in the Republic of Belarus under Decree No. 534.

