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Eximgarant of Belarus took part in the Berne Union Annual meeting

The Berne Union Annual Meeting hosted by the Export Credit Agency of India ECGC took place on October 20-14, 2019 in Hyderabad (India). About more than 220 delegates from more than 50 world ECAs, international financial institutions, and multinational corporations took part in the event.
Eximgarant took part in a joint meeting of the Prague club Committee and the Committee on medium - and long-term business. This session allowed participants to study the current aspects of long-term export credit insurance and get the best practices of the world's ECAs. Members of the Prague club Committee provided up-to-date information on the current business activities, as well as discussed a new form of providing information to the Union Secretariat on insurance coverage by economic sector, transaction structure, losses and subrogation. The new form of information exchange will allow members of the Berne Union to have a detailed understanding of the structure of the insurance portfolio of each ECA and the ability to analyze risk assessment approaches in all regions of the world.
Eximgarant also took part in the meeting of the regional cooperation group and in the cooperation exchange with the Asian members of the Berne Union.
Apart from that, there were changes in the Prague club Committee: Imaad AL Harthy (CREDIT OMAN, Sultanate of Oman) was chosen as the Chairman.
During the Berne Union Annual meeting Eximgarant held negotiations with the ECA of Sweden EKN, Norwegian GIEK, NEXI from Japan, Danish EKF and Italian SACE, as well as with the US EXIM, UKEF, HBOR, EXIM Hungary, EGAP and other agencies of the OECD member countries on issues of support and (or) enhance the position of the Republic of Belarus in the OECD classification. Eximgarant presented a summary of the belarusian macroeconomic indicators for the 1st half of 2019 for the upcoming OECD country risk session.
