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Employees of Eximgarant of Belarus have completed a training course in the Export Credit Agency of Germany

In December 2015 and in March 2016 the team of staff members of Eximgarant of Belarus took a training course devoted to such issues as risk analysis, risk management and OECD guidelines and principles at the offices of PricewaterhouseCoopers and Euler Hermes in Hamburg (Germany). The main objective of the course was to make oneself acquainted with the principles of work performance of the leading export insurance agencies and to adopt the international practice of export risk insurance.

Employees of Eximgarant of Belarus have completed a training course in the Export Credit Agency of Germany

More than 20 highly qualified employees of PwC and Euler Hermes were conducting lectures and workshops on the declared subject. The training was organized in the form of skills building sessions, where all participants were involved in keen discussions of the most pressing issues as well as in solving problems relating to operational mechanisms of export support. PwC and Euler Hermes specialists designed the course on the basis of many years’ experience of conducting workshops and lectures covering various operational aspects of export credit agencies.

During workshops experts of Eximgarant of Belarus were studying international law governing practical activities of stimulation and support of national exports as well as were getting acquainted with the latest trends in the insurance against commercial and political risks. The lecturers shared their experience in the field of MLT export risks insurance and revealed insights into the German ECA insurance products and its basic principles. During the March workshop employees of PwC and Euler Hermes cleared up the whole underwriting decision-making process. At the end of the course all participants were given certificates of participation.

Eximgarant of Belarus is planning to further develop cooperation with Euler Hermes and PwC.


PricewaterhouseCoopers and Euler Hermes have been acting in the field of export credit and investment insurance on behalf and for account of the Federal Government since 1949. The success of German export and foreign investment companies is the cause of significant support being received from this unique partnership. Therefore, both the German government and German exporters rely on PricewaterhouseCoopers and Euler Hermes exceptional experience in the area of export credit and investment insurance.

In July 2015 Eximgarant of Belarus, PricewaterhouseCoopers and Euler Hermes signed a tripartite Cooperation Agreement.
