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Eximgarant of Belarus became an official partner of Belarusian Investment Forums in New York and London

Eximgarant of Belarus was an official partner of Belarusian Investment Forums in New York (September 22, 2014) and London (November 14, 2014).

Eximgarant of Belarus became an official partner of Belarusian Investment Forums in New York and London

Belarusian Investment Forums in New York and London were among the most important economic events of the Republic of Belarus in 2014.

An increase of investment attractiveness of the Republic of Belarus by means of creating a platform for direct and open dialogue between business and government, was the main objective of the Forums.

Participants were able to receive precise information about the investment potential of the Republic of Belarus, including the opportunities offered as a result of the formation of The Common Market of CES.

The Forums were also sponsored by The Ministry of Economy of the Republic of Belarus, The Ministry of Foreign Affairs and The National Agency of investments and privatization.
