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Межбуквенное расстояние
Цветовая схема

THAI Eximbank and Eximgarant of Belarus

The Memorandum of Understanding was signed between Export-Import bank of the Kingdom of Thailand and Eximgarant of Belarus.

THAI Eximbank and Eximgarant of Belarus

Memorandum is signed by Gennady Mitskevich, Director General of Eximgarant of Belarus, and Kanit Sukonthaman, the President of THAI Eximbank.

The Memorandum involves the development and strengthening of cooperation between the parties, creates favorable conditions for trade between the Republic of Belarus and the Kingdom of Thailand. The document is focused on the stimulation of investment project development between the two countries. Apart from that, the document stipulates exchange of experience in underwriting and reinsurance, settlement of losses and mutual consulting, regarding peculiarities of national legislation of Thailand and Belarus.
