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About us

About us

  Export-import insurance company of the Republic of Belarus is one of the leading insurance companies of the Republic of Belarus, authorized by the Decree of the Head of State to insure (reinsure) export risks with state support and performs the functions of the Belarusian export credit agency.

      Being one of the national export support institutions, Eximgarant of Belarus provides Belarusian exporters a wide range of insurance products.

      The Republic of Belarus bears subsidiary liability for the company’s obligations to pay insurance compensation arising from insurance (reinsurance) contracts for export risks with state support. An insurance contract for such risks concluded with Eximgarant of Belarus is equivalent to an insurance policy of an insurance organization - a legal entity of group "A" and is considered high-quality security in accordance with banking legislation.

      In addition, within the framework of its authority, the company insures financial risks of domestic business entities, including those arising during their implementation of import transactions, as well as a number of property types of insurance necessary for comprehensive support of the investment process.

       At the same time, Eximgarant of Belarus has the right to transfer and accept risks for reinsurance.

       In addition, possessing the necessary competencies, using accumulated experience and available resources, Eximgarant of Belarus provides insurance coverage to individuals, ensuring its availability both through its presence in all regions of Belarus and through the development of online channels.

According to the results of 2023, the company took third place in terms of insurance premiums among Belarusian insurers.